
Ulysses Klaw is the arch-enemy of the Black Panther.


Ulysses Klaw was an assassin hired to take down T'Chaka at the Bilderberg conference in the case that he refused to negotiate Wakanda's resources including Vibranium. But, Klaw was also there personally, as the Panther killed his great-grandfather in the 19th century while this one was trying to annex Wakanda. He was paid ten million dollars for the kill. He hid for a week under the floor and emerged once there was no doubt that any deal would be impossible. Killing T'Chaka, he was wounded and forced to retreat by the young T'Challa. He was taken care of by the Belgian government for over ten years and was experimented on by them. Their intent was to proceed a pre-emptive strike on T'Challa as they were aware that the Black Panther would hunt down those responsible for his father's murder. Klaw had his mangled hand amputated and fitted with a claw-like prosthetic device into which he built a sonic-force blaster.

Where Lightning Strikes[]

He with the rest of the Masters of Evil attacked the town of Robinette, Colorado to lure out the Thunderbolts.

Roar of Thunder[]

He was present when the Crimson Cowl addressed the Masters of Evil about the final phase of her plan.

